
What is it?

A surgical brow lift is a cosmetic procedure also known as a forehead lift, forehead rejuvenation, browplasty or temporal lift. 


Your surgeon will cut into your skin at the hairline or in the hair. He or she will maneuver tissues and remove segments of muscles and skin that cause wrinkles or deep frown lines. The incisions will then be closed with stitches or staples.

What are the types of Brow Lifts?

There are three methods to lift the forehead and eyebrow areas: 

  • The classic lift, 
  • Endoscopic lift and 
  • The limited incision.


A brow lift will improve the look of not just your forehead, but your entire face. It will raise your eyebrows, making you appear younger and awake. You’ll look inviting, happy and friendly.


Like any surgery, brow lift surgery has some risks. Possible complications include:

  • Poor scarring.
  • Infection.
  • Weakness of the brow movement.
  • Intense scalp itch.


Who is an ideal candidate for a brow lift?

Not everyone is a good candidate for a brow lift. You may be if you meet qualifications, including:

  • You’re physically healthy.
  • You’re a nonsmoker.
  • You have realistic goals about your looks.

Does a brow lift affect one’s eye shape?

A brow lift will affect your eyebrows, but it won’t change the shape of your eyes, erase crow’s feet or fix baggy eyelids.

Does a brow lift cause scars?

Yes, but your surgeon will do their best to hide the scars either at the hairline or actually in your hair.

How long does the procedure last?

Your surgery will take approximately one to three hours.